Friday, June 26, 2015

My Goals!

I believe that I will accomplish my goals. I have always set goals for myself, I mean I do not write them down or anything but I keep them in my mind and I remind myself of them everyday. When reminding myself about my goals I put them in order from short term to long term goals. For example one of my short term goals is to get in "A" in my Comp and Lit class that I am halfway through. A long term goal I have is to eventually graduate from college and move on with my career in the field that I strongly hope to pursue. While I have my goals running through my mind I am always thinking of ways to accomplish them no matter what it takes. I will do my best to figure a way to make sure that goal is no longer a "goal" it is "a memory of achievement". When someone has asked me about my goals they have wondered how do you keep track of them, well I just do. Because I want them so badly that they stick in my mind and never leave until they are achieved.

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