There were only three months of college left. John, a senior at the University of California, was majoring in Photography and was at the top of his class. He was very excited to graduate. The dormitory that he lived in was only two blocks away from the campus of the college. He rode his bicycle every day to school and back.
Ever since John was 13, he had such a strong passion for photography. He would steal his grandmother's camera and take pictures of anything and everything that he could. John felt that it was his sole purpose in life to "capture the beauty of life in every picture". This motto would have become very famous in John's life, but there was something very dramatic that John never saw coming. One day at the yearly check-up at the Doctor's office, his doctor Rick Summers had discovered that John had a very life threatening disease.
It was devastating for John. He only had three more months left of college, and he already had the career of his dreams lined up for after he graduated. He did not have anyone close to him, but he wished he had. He never thought that anything like this would ever happen to a guy like him. For the next month and three weeks, all John can do is lay hopelessly and pray that this disease passes. His day consists of nothing but vigorous testing, with many needle pricks and blood-draws.
But as the fourth week roles around, everything changes for him a second time. Now instead of all his tests reacting negatively to treatment, he is responding positively and making improvements. Another week goes by, and John is now ready to be discharged. He can not even believe that after how bad he was, somehow he can turn around so fast and be completely fine. When John returns to class to finish off his schooling, everyone is happy and enjoyed to see him, and he graduates still at the top of his class.
John is now a leading photographer for a very famous magazine company in southern California. A couple years role past and he has found a wife, and has a child on the way.
It had turned out that there had been something in John's dormitory that had caused his mysterious illness. Doctor's never found the reason for his illness, but they are surprised that John is even alive to this day.
John is living a happy life now, and is thankful for being alive.
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